Wednesday, May 8, 2013

How Hernia Surgery is Performed?

A Hernia is a bulge portion of intestine which passes through the muscles of intestine. A hernia occurs when the muscle wall becomes weekend and this allows the internal organs to push through the weekend area of the abdomen to form a balloon like sac. Hernia also occurs in many places like abdomen, diaphragm, and brain. In the United States approximately 60,000 hernia operations are performed. 

If you want to notice the hernia you can easily recognized as a bulge part under the skin or you may feel pain when you lift any heavy objects This operation is perform by open surgery or it can be done by using a small telescope called laparoscope. The laparoscopic hernia. The surgeon makes the incision in the abdomen to repair the hernia.  In the open repair hernia the surgeon makes a incision and the week muscle is removed. This procedure can be done neither with nor without mesh

A hernia surgery is usually done to strengthen the abdominal wall, the intestine is pushed back and the synthetic mesh is used to strengthen the week muscle. Hernia repair may perform by inguinal hernia, umbilical hernia, femoral hernia. Inguinal hernia commonly occurs in men than in case of women. These may be of direct and indirect. But both of these types may appear as a bulge in the inguinal area. Umbilical hernia commonly noted at the time of birth when the opening of the abdominal wall closes, it occurs later n the life because the spot remains inside the abdomen wall. Femoral hernia occurs in the mid thigh area. This type of hernia is not able to push back to its place.

Once the surgery has completed patient, may expect some sought of soreness after the post surgery. Whereas In the laparoscopic hernia surgery you will get back to your normal activities within a short duration of time. If the patient experienced bleeding, abdominal pain or swelling, inability to urinate, nausea or vomiting kind of symptoms then the patient can deal with the surgeon

Some people delay the surgery for years and months together, over a time the hernia becomes larger and the muscle around it weekends and the tissue around it bulges. To overcome this problem the surgical operation is done to remove the repair tissue. After the surgery you may need to take good   nutrition diet, to take medications and to go back to your exercise regime.

For more refrences     Check this

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Have a Hernia? No Problem with Laparoscopic Hernia Repair

Hernia usually develops in our body as we get older. It can also be obtained because of obesity. In fact, more or less five million Americans are developing hernias every year. Of course, hernia can be treated. However, most people are afraid to undergo surgery because they do not want to experience the painful sensation especially during the recovery stage. Some of them are wary because most surgeries take a long time to fully recover and heal.

Hernia is more common in men than women. You also increase your chance of getting it if you lift heavy objects everyday. Unfortunately, there are many blue-collar jobs for men that involve lifting heavy objects that is why the condition is more common in them. Yes, men are supposed to be able to lift heavy objects, but not all men have strong muscles; some of them have weak muscles so it is best to consult the doctor first to see if one has an increased risk of getting hernia.

Hernia usually appears in your internal organs, such as the intestines. Strong muscles can repel the appearance of the hernia and keep the organs in place and safe. But weak muscles are the problem. If you have weak muscles, then the chance of getting hernia is higher. If you have hernia, then you must be having a bad sensation from just coughing or lifting heavy heavy things. If you are already experiencing this kind of sensation, then do not wait anymore. You need to be checked by experts right away before it becomes worse.

If you want your hernia to be cured, then do not be afraid because the latest developments in the field of medicine has allowed the experts to repair hernia without having to go through the traditional methods that involve making large incisions and a longer recovery time. Laparoscopic hernia repair can treat your hernia safely. During the procedure, a small incision will be made in the part of your body where the hernia is located. After that, the surgeon will close the hernia by stitching the walls. You can go home after the procedure but be sure not to take strenuous activities like lifting heavy materials. Exercising is also prohibited after the surgery for around six weeks to ensure your safety.

The good thing about laparoscopic hernia repair is that it will not leave any scars on your body after the operation. This, among other advantages, are the reason why laparoscopic hernia repair has become the most preferred hernia repair option. If you feel discomfort and painful sensation, then it is best to consult your doctor right away to verify if the pain is indeed caused by hernia. If so, laparoscopic hernia repair is your best shot at treating your condition and living a normal life once again.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hernias: Post-Repair Exercise

While you may be eager to get back to your regular lifestyle and start engaging in your normal routine of physical activity and exercise, there will be a required amount of time needed for recuperation. The time for recuperation after hernia repair surgery depends on each individual person, so it is important to discuss the details of your recovery period with your hernia repair specialist in Los Angeles. Do not rush into exercise routines that may be too strenuous, as you should start slowly and have a plan that gradually increases the amount of activity over a practical period of time.

The most common form of hernia, though they can possibly happen with any organ within the body, occurs when the intestines poke through a weakness or tear within the abdominal wall. While the amount of pain varies for each individual, a hernia will not heal on its own and requires hernia repair surgery. Los Angeles hernia specialists are available to provide you with the necessary treatment. If you experience pain and what looks like a bulge protruding from underneath your skin, you should seek out expert medical treatment.
Since abdominal exercises are designed to build up your muscles, it is advisable to take time to rest after the patient returns home, as the surgery will have disrupted these same muscles. 

Again, every individual patient is different, so it is important to take a look at your unique case during the scheduled time with your hernia repair surgeon in the Los Angeles area. The pain and discomfort should subside before performing abdominal exercise. Such exercise may be good or bad for your body, depending on the type of surgery, how much rest your body has received, and what you and your doctor determine is best for you after the surgery.

One should only continue with an abdominal exercise if it is possible to begin without feeling pain. You should start very slowly by lying down on a mat and, without applying pressure, work on the abdominal muscle that runs along the stomach (or rectus abdominus). Lift your knees up in the air and then gradually lift your shoulders up. If there is no pain with this initial movement, repeat the exercise at a very slow and careful pace. These exercises should be followed with resting up during the next day, since you body is still recuperating and will need to recover its strength.

If the exercise goes well, you may attempt to lift your shoulders higher and closer to your knees. Again, be very careful not to exceed the limits of your body’s strength during this recovery time period. Set up an appointment in Los Angeles with the hernia repair specialist to learn more about abdominal exercises and how to heal from the procedure.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sports Hernia vs. Hernia

A hernia is a protrusion of an organ through the wall of the cavity that normally contains it. This can occur in men, women, and children. There are five main types of hernia: inguinal, incisional, femoral, umbilical, and diaphragmatic. Hernias often occur when pressure in the compartment of the residing organ is increased and the boundary is weak or weakened. The propensity of hernias is often age related and can run in families, but it can also be caused by other illnesses such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome or Marfan syndrome. Conditions that increase abdominal pressure such as obesity, straining during a bowel movement or urination, chronic lung disease, and fluid in the abdominal cavity can lead to hernias. Hernias often happen in the abdomen, the cranium, and the spine. Hernias can be caused by a wide array of triggers, but depend of the individual case as well as the type of hernia.

In contrast, a sports hernia affects the pubic joint of athletes such as football and hockey players. It is a syndrome characterized by chronic groin pain in athletes and a dilated superficial ring of the inguinal canal. Athletes are required to twist, turn, and run at high speeds. Considering this, it is no surprise that sports hernias often occur to high school, college, and professional athletes. An athlete who has damaged one of the core muscles in the lower abdomen or pelvis will experience a great deal of pain when trying to bend or rotate the area. Additionally, he or she will feel a lot of tenderness when the area is probed and examined by a physician.

When a hernia is discovered, it is not immediately operated on. Indeed, many times the best course of action is not to operate on a hernia. Instead, it is best to monitor the hernia to see if it grows larger or more obtrusive. However, the only permanent fix for hernias is surgery. Yet, based on the individual patient, hernia surgery may be too risky. Surgery for hernias works by securing the weakened wall tissue. Any holes are plugged in, usually with medical cloth. This surgery can be performed with traditional open surgery or through the use of a laparoscope. This will require less recovery time and be less invasive for the patient.

Sports hernia must first be examined by a doctor to determine the full scope of the problem. Patients are encouraged to rest, ice the area, and attend physical rehabilitation. However, this often is not enough to fix the condition. An MRI scan will show the extent of the tears in the muscle insertions and if laparoscopic hernia surgery is required.

If you have a hernia, click here to contact a hernia specialist. 

Friday, February 8, 2013

Caring For Laparoscopic Hernia Repair Patients After Surgery

Post-operation care for any surgical procedure is usually a difficult time for patients and caregivers, alike. This is especially true for patients who have undergone laparoscopic hernia repair even if it is less invasive as traditional hernia surgeries. Extreme care need to be given to patients during recovery period because this is when pain and discomfort are felt at its worst.

Hernia repair in Los Angeles involves smaller incisions thereby requiring shorter recovery period and less pain. However, as with other surgical procedures, steps must still be taken to prevent complications.
Hernia surgery patients are normally given laxatives after the operation to facilitate softer stools and easier bowel movement. This must not be forgotten at all by the caregiver otherwise, it will be extremely painful for the patient when the need to release his bowel comes.

Definitely, doctors will prescribe oral pain medications to manage pain that will be experienced in the next number of days while recovering. Expect much pain and soreness at the surgical area and incision wounds. Caregivers should remind patients to take pain medications before sleeping to be able to sleep comfortably during the night.

Doctor’s instructions must be strictly followed. This will usually include keeping incisions clean and dry for up to 2 days after the surgery. During shower, some bandages that keep wounds waterproof may be used to protect it from getting wet. Leave dressings on until the next follow-up schedule. After the first follow-up visit, doctors may require changing the incision dressings often. Caregivers must be observant of abnormal signs that may be a sign of infection and may need doctor’s attention. Presence of swelling, increased temperature in the surgical area, redness, fever and pus are indicative of infection complications.

When the patient hasn’t had any bowel elimination for three days, experiences extreme pain not managed by oral medications, develops a new bulge at the site of the old hernia, and feels pain and difficulty in passing urine, it is also time to seek the doctor.

Immersing the wound in common areas such as swimming pools and using creams and lotions, is prohibited for the succeeding two weeks until the doctor has cleared the patient and complete healing has taken place.
Patients cannot have a full meal after release from the hospital. Patient may start with clear liquids gradually progressing to solid food as the gastrointestinal organs have adjusted. Maintain a diet that includes at least 8 glasses of water, whole grain and fruits and vegetables daily.

Lift heavy objects for the patient, help him walk, administer medications, help them bathe and implement nutritional intake are some of the responsibilities that caregivers have to do for their loved ones who have just had hernia repair surgery.  Being around for a laparoscopic hernia surgery in Los Angeles patient does a lot to make recovery for patients a lot more comfortable and bearable. 

To know more about   laparoscopic hernia surgery  Click here

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Hernia Surgery in Los Angeles- time to cut that extra bulge!

Most of the people consider Hernia as a serious disorder, involving a lot of severe complications, esp with a lot of surgeries in various tissues of the body. But we at Los Angeles, absolve you of all your mis-conceptions and enable you to enhance your confidence levels.

The team
Our team of highly competent, experienced and aptly experienced team of surgeons assist you with various consultations regarding the appropriate treatments to be given to the patients, the diet to be followed and other precautionary measures to be taken, before and after the Hernia surgery. Be it the Hiatal Hernia Treatments in Los Angeles, the Abdominal Hernia, the Femoral Hernia, or the Ventral Hernia Repair- or surgeons are placed at numero uno- in terms of experience, expertise and professionalism in performing the best Hernia Surgery in Los Angeles, which has earned us a global reputation globally.

The Hiatal Hernia Treatments in Los Angeles- a summary of insights
The phrase “Hiatal Hernia” is derived from “Hiatus”, which means the opening of the diaphragm. A series of health surveys in Los Angeles revealed that Hiatal Hernia was popularly prominent among people (especially women) who were either overweight(obese) or people who were older than 50. 

Hiatal Hernia can be diagnosed using the X-Ray or using endoscopy. Here at our Los Angeles clinic, the Hiatal Hernia treatment offered by us, absolves you  from stomach squeezing(as mostly done in many of the normal Hernia treatments).Though it is our endeavor, not to carry out major complicated surgeries which use many incisions in the abdomen, sometimes smaller incisions are often made inside the abdomen. This assures a hassle free surgery, at almost lesser timeframe and at low cost. Though we do not presume any dietary restrictions for our Hernia surgeries, we would recommend a strong, healthy diet and a regular exercise, and ensure a quick, rapid recovery.

Symptoms of Hernia- some insights
A painful injury or merely a simple bulge requires an appropriate consultation from the expert. Often, you may be diagnosed with Hernia, if the following symptoms persist in you:
·         Bulging abdomen
·         Bulging groin
·         Vomiting
·         Fever
·         Nausea
·         Discolored swelling

The Insurance facility
Though patient history and the type of Hernia disorder play a pivotal role in determining the cost of the surgery, our Hernia surgeries are provided economically, at low costs. Our health plans are affiliated with many insurance companies, like the Aetna, Pacificare, Health Net, and the CIGNA-just to name a few among the plethora of financing alternatives available with us.

To know more about   Hernia Surgery in Los Angeles   Please visit