Out of the copious amounts of strange and bizarre growths our body produces (warts, pimples, cyst), a hernia may be the most embarrassing and painful. A hernia is a flesh-colored bump that protrudes out of any area of the body, most commonly the abdomen. The growth is composed of tissues and organs that have broken through the muscle wall and can be caused by even the most simple of activities. People may be more susceptible to hernia if it occurs in the family, old age, pregnancy, excessive weight-lifting, recovery after surgery, or obesity. All of these issues weakens or increases the pressure on the abdomen, where surrounding organs or tissues are prone to rupture through. A hernia contains three parts: the orifice, sac, and fatty tissue contents that accompany organs. Some of the symptoms include discolored swelling and tenderness, nausea, vomiting, and fever. Although it is common for the growth to cause pain, it is also possible for some to not even feel anything at all.
The abdomen area is the most common place for a hernia, yet other body parts are vulnerable to a protrusion too, such as the brain, anus, back, and intestines. Usually, a hernia is just a small bump and is more of an inconvenience, but will be life-threatening if it is a larger size and involves vital organs. There are many hernia repair options out there to treat this growth, most popular being hernia surgery for complete removal.
For a mild treatment, you doctor may perform one of the following:
Tension Repair: Your doctor will replace the torn tissue and sew back the abdominal wall
Tension-Free Repair: Your doctor replaces the damaged tissue but incorporates a synthetic mesh tissue that to strengthen the abdominal wall again.
Laparoscopic Repair: This treatment is focused on hernias that are located along the ingenial canal. This surgery requires a tiny incision using a specifically-designed camera for the operation.
A more complicated and abrasive procedure would be an open surgery, where a larger hole is created and you doctor will manually push back the hernia. Both open and laparoscopic hernia treatments have their own advantages and disadvantages. The open hernia surgery only requires a local anesthetic but will need a longer recovery time, whereas the laparoscopic repair surgery will experience less pain and recovery time, but will need s general anesthetic. There is a very high success rate of hernia surgery and will immediately rid patients of any discomfort or health risks that come with this condition, though it is the patients responsibility to take care of themselves to prevent another growth from happening. By avoiding heavy lifting, smoking, and being sure to drink plenty of fluids, patients can keep hernias down and their health intact.