Friday, July 27, 2012

Sports Hernia Treatments

Having a hernia can be painful and discomforting. Hernias can happen for a variety of reasons such as sports, heavy lifting or even sneezing. A sports hernia occurs when there is a weak spot in the muscles or tendons of the lower portion of the abdomen. The area where a sport hernia occurs is in the same area that an inguinal hernia would occur as well called the inguinal canal. Some of the initial signs that you may have a sports hernia includes aching pains in the abdomen and soreness to stand up and walk. These symptoms can become more intense when doing strenuous activity or during sneezing or coughing. It is important that you seek hernia treatment Los Angeles athletes say, so that you can safely return to your sport pain free.

Patients that seek treatment about what they suspect to be a hernia will normally undergo a general physical exam with some additional tests and discussion of their medical history. Some instances require for the doctor to use an MRI to validate that the hernia is there and properly analyze its severity. Hernia’s cannot correct themselves and it is important no matter how minor the hernia that it be looked at by a doctor.

One of the best treatments for hernias that cannot be adequately positioned back into their original orientation is hernia surgery Los Angeles doctors say. Other methods have a high rate of reoccurring especially for athletes that live an active life style. Of course, taking a break from all activities will need to occur in order to properly mend the hernia and ensure that it has time to become strong again. This is also crucial to alleviate the pain and discomfort that was early felt as a result of the hernia.

Conservative measures are tested to see if any of the hernia symptoms will dissipate. Sports hernia surgery is the best method of repairing the damaged and weakened area in the abdominal wall. After surgery, patients must follow the strict guidelines of their doctor through rehabilitation to ensure that they have a smooth recover and the hernia mends properly. Typically, recovery is about 8 weeks before you can return to sports or strenuous activity. However, everyone is different and you should get clearance from your doctor before going all out.

Relieve the symptoms of your hernia today and seek the help of a hernia doctor. Although hernias are not initially life threatening, they can become dangerous

For for details please check this website

Monday, July 16, 2012


A hernia or (“rupture”) is a lump which occurs from a weakness in the abdominal wall. As a result, some of the contents within the abdomen can then bulge (push through) under the skin. When normal, the front of the abdomen has several layers comprising skin, then fat, then muscles, all of which keep the intestines (guts) and internal tissues in place. If for any reason there is a weak point in the muscles, then a part of the intestines can push through. The patient can then feel a soft lump or swelling under the skin. The most common types of hernia that occur are umbilical hernia, incisional hernia, inguinal hernia and femoral hernia. There is a small chance that a hernia might strangulate. A hernia strangulates when too much intestine (bowel) has come through the gap in the muscle or ligament and then it becomes squeezed. Strangulated hernias are usually dealt with by emergency surgery.

Most hernias need treatment by performing an operation. Hernia surgery is one of the most common operations performed by surgeons. It is very common for patients to have their hernia repaired as a day case so that one doesn’t need to stay overnight in hospital. Hernia surgery can be done either under a general or a local anesthetic. The type of operation will depend on the type of hernia one has. Surgeons will discuss their patients the type of hernia operation to be had, taking into account factors such as the type of hernia, the size of the hernia, and the patient’s general health. Hernias are mostly repaired by using a mesh.Inguinal hernia is the most common type of hernia, accounting for more than three out of every four hernias. They usually occur in men, on both sides of the body.

Inguinal hernia occurs when some tissue pushes through the lower abdomen in the groin. They often occur after heavy lifting, during which one may experience a sharp pain in the groin and notice the appearance of a swelling.An inguinal hernia can be fixed by a small operation. Inguinal Hernia Surgery is usually done by a “key-hole” operation, as the recovery is quicker compared to having an open operation. The operation is performed through three tiny cuts, the largest of which is only around 1.5 cm in size. It is more common that inguinal hernias be repaired by using a mesh. This is a thin sheet of material which is usually stitched or glued over the hole of the hernia. This has shown to be stronger and more effective than sewing the edges of the hole together for inguinal hernias. With time, the mesh safely becomes incorporated into the muscle layer, which results in a very strong, permanent repair.

For more details on hernia surgery and hernia repair please visit: