Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Prepare For Hernia Surgery

Have you recently found out that you need to have hernia surgery? If so, it is important that you prepare yourself for the day of surgery. Your surgeon will order a series of medical tests to evaluate your overall general health and will also review your medical history. Some patients need to have more extensive tests done before their hernia surgery in Los Angeles so that the doctor can get a gauge the extensiveness of the hernia. This is done with the use of x-rays. After you have been cleared for surgery, your surgeon will explain the different risks and benefits involved with the surgery based on your exam. Being prepared with questions will help you become more informed as well as have you feel more comfortable when going into surgery.

When you meet with your doctor, make sure that you let them know about all the prescriptions you are taking including over the counter and vitamins. This is extremely important because some medications actually cause there to be problems with the blood clotting mechanism. The doctor will prepare you with a very specific list of instructions to help you prepare for your hernia repair in Los Angeles. In this list of preparations, guidelines will include those about your diet and lifestyle. The best way to ensure that your procedure goes as smooth as possible is to follow all these instructions. Many of the specific guidelines before going into hernia surgery include:

·         Do not eat or drink anything after midnight on the day before surgery
·         Completely empty and cleanse the colon and intestines. Patients may be required to only drink clear liquids in the days prior to surgery
·         Stop smoking 6-8 weeks before the procedure. Smoking inhibits the wound healing process and causes other complications.
·         Have a plan for aftercare and recovery. Arrange for a ride home and for someone to help you with daily activities for the first few days after.

The above information is just a short overview of the necessities in preparing for hernia surgery and does not substitute for the expertise of a doctor. If you think you have a hernia or are showing symptoms of one, then it is important that you contact your doctor as soon as possible. If the problem is caught early enough the repair can be made much easier and with less down time.

For more Please check this website

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Hernia Repair Options

There are several strange things that our body produces such as pimples, cysts, warts and more, but one of the most painful things is a hernia. Visually, the hernia will look like a flesh colored bump that sticks out of the body most commonly from the abdomen. You can also have the herniated bulge appear in the thigh or the groin. This growth like appearance is composed of tissues and organs that actually break through the muscular wall. They can be caused by even the simplest of activities. Some people have a higher susceptibility of getting a hernia such as those that are pregnant, are old aged, over-weight, excessively lift weights or hernias run in their family. Certain activities can cause for the pressure in the abdomen to increase where the surrounding organs are prone to rupture. You may have a hernia if you are experiencing symptoms such as discolored swelling and tenderness, vomiting, nausea and fever. If this is the case you should see a doctor to see what type of hernia repair in Los Angeles is best for you.
The most common area for a hernia to occur is in the abdominal region, but other body parts can still fall victim to a hernia such as the back, anus, thigh and chest. Typically, a hernia is just a small bump that seems to be nothing more than an inconvenience. However, the hernia although not inherently dangerous, they can become life threatening if it becomes larger and involves vital organs. There are several options for hernia repair that can be used such as hernia repair with mesh, tension-free repair, laparoscopic repair and more.
For minor hernia surgery in Los Angeles, your doctor may perform one of the following:
  • Tension Repair: The doctor will replace the damaged and torn tissue and sew back the abdominal wall to ensure there are no holes.
  • Tension-Free Repair: The doctor replaces the damaged tissue butuses a synthetic mesh tissue to strengthen the abdominal wall.
  • Laparoscopic Repair: This treatment focuses on hernias that are located in the inguinal canal.  This surgery requires a small incision using a specially-designed camera for the operation.  
For hernias that are more severe, emergency open surgery may be the only option. A larger incision needs to be made so that the doctor can manually push the hernia back into its original orientation. With any hernia repair there are advantages and disadvantages. Make sure that you speak with a doctor as soon as you think you have symptoms of a hernia. It is best to have it taken care of before it becomes life threatening.

For more info go to   http://socalhernia.com/treatment.html